Thursday, May 14, 2009


A recent post on discusses comments Gov Rick Perry made about support the secession of Texas if Washington continues to force bail out money/programs on the states. His argument is that not all states are willing to accept the money/programs along with the stipulations that Washington is placing on them, and that's a violation of the 10th amendment. I think any talk of secession is absurd. Yes the country is in poor economic shape, but any state seceding from the union is a ridiculous idea. Does he not remember the civil war. I find it hard to believe that the majority of Texas residents would want that to happen. I certainly don't. America, despite it's flaws, is the best country in the world. I don't want to be a resident of a seceded something or other because some pigheaded, arrogant idiot decided that's what was best for me. The best way to overcome the current situation is for lawmakers to put aside their party affiliation and do what's best for the country. Individual states should have the ability to choose if a program is right for their state or not. Throwing a temper tantrum and threatening secession however is not the way to get attention or make a point.

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