Friday, February 13, 2009

Seriously, give them a vote already!

In the New York Times I read an article stating that a bill has been passed by a senate committee giving Washington,D.C. a voting member in the House of Representatives. Per the article, similar bills have been submitted in the past and voted down, and cites the reason being that some members of congress believe it to be unconstitutional. Republican opponents fear that allowing DC to have a voting member in the House will lead to having 2 senators which they believe would be Democrats. I believe that it is unconscionable that the people of Washington DC have had to endure taxation without representation for so long. Is that not one of the main reasons the founders of this country were willing to put everything on the line and start a new nation. They believed this to be tyranny-an arbitrary and unrestrained exercise of power. The reason given for not passing a bill of this type is even more outrageous, simply put, one party doesn't want the other to have more votes than them, most likely because they then wont be able to put forth legislation that allows them to line their pockets and fatten their bank accounts. Modern day factions.. and worse yet, "we the people" just sit back and let them do it! We need to stand up as a people and demand that this changes. I think they are in need of an attitude adjustment, a reminder that we sign their paychecks with our tax dollars, and they are there to represent what we need. If DC residents don't get the chance to let their voices be heard via a representative, and we just sit back and let it go, then we too are guilty of being tyrants. People from around the country need to contact their representatives and senators and demand that they pass a bill allowing DC to have a voting representative, if not...they can always find a new job at election time!

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